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Fotoalbum/pictures and photo's

from dinosaur museums ©R. Krutzen


Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. The Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (Jan 2016).


Een van de beste en mooiste musea in Europa met een zeer uitgebreide collectie. One of the best dinosaur museums in Europe.


I visited this museum in January 2016. The most important dinosaurs are listened below.


- Iguanodon bernissartensis;

- Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex) 'Stan' cast;

- Stegosaurus;

- Triceratops horridus;

- Diplodocus;

- Oviraptor;

- Velociraptor mongoliensis;

- Cryolophosaurus;

- Giant sauropod bone (Argentinosaurus?);

- Different skulls of herbivourus dinosaurs;

- And many more fossils


Overige fossielen/other fossils:

- Precambrium en Cambrium/Precambrium and Cambrium fossils;

- Devoon/fossils from the Devonian like Dunkleosteus, Placoderm fish and other interesting stuff;

- Carboonfossielen/Carboniferous plants;

- Carboonfossielen/Carboniferous insects;

- Trias/Triassic fossils with painting;

- Jura/Jurassic fossils like Ichthyosaurs, fish, belemnites and ammonites;

- Krijt/Cretaceous fossils like fish teeth, mosasaur bones and fossil pterosaurs;

- Paleoceen/Paleocene and Eocene fossils like a gigantic skeleton of the bird 'Gastornis'! ('Diatryma').


Oertijdmuseum de Groene Poort Boxtel. Prehistoric museum Boxtel


Klein, maar interessant museum met o.a. Torvosaurus tanden en schedel (replica). Tyrannosaurus schedel is aanwezig (replica). Buiten staat een op ware grootte T. rex model.


Small, but interesting museum with Torvosaurus tooth and skull replica. Tyrannosaurus life size model can be viewed outside. The museum also has a T. rex skull replica and a huge Brachiosaurus skeleton (cast/replica). In the 'dinosaur garden', many dinosaur models are exhibited. Very cool for kids. The museum has a big fossil collection. Ammonites, belemnites, skeletons and Pleistocene material can be seen. The most important dinosaurs are shown below.

- Torvosaurus gurneyi;

- T. rex;

- Carnotaurus sastrei;

- Brachiosaurus;

- Stegosaurus.

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